We are an honest, reliable and knowledgeable company committed to providing homeowners and businesses with affordable & quality services. Our goal is to provide you with outstanding customer service from a team you can trust! You know your in good hands with B & R Plumbing LLC.
Our expert team takes pride in delivering you with outstanding customer service. We understand the importance of your home and your time. We promise to give you a courteous, reliable and trustworthy plumber in a timely manner to service your needs! Our reviews speak for themselves!
Plumbing emergency!? No problem! B & R Plumbing LLC is open to service you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Don't hesitate to call! We've got you covered!
Send us a message and a member of our team will reach out to you!
West Mifflin, Munhall, Homestead, Swissvale, Hazelwood, Homewood, East Pittsburgh, Cranberry Township, Ross Park Township, Greensburg, Mckeesport, Monroeville, Penn Hills, White Oak, Jefferson Hills, South Hills and the surrounding Pittsburgh areas. We service the majority of Western Pennsylvania.